This was such a beautiful read, Sarah!

"There is no denying though, that moving nearer to fifty comes with its own sense of freedom."

I'd love to read more of your thoughts on all the gifts like freedom that aging has given you. I need more of your insight!

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Wow thank you, means the world! I will return to this theme I think as it's definitely a huge motivation for what I'm trying to do here, so I'm glad to hear it resonates with others! 🥰

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I have very fond memories of you making us all breakfast every morning. I know life was tough for you. It was for me too but we had a lot of fun around that breakfast table. Especially if was a boiled egg with soldiers day! I thank you for those treasured memories sis. Finding stuck together shreddies was another great bit of fun and also more treasured memories. Your writing is brilliant. I hope you keep at it. Xx

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So glad to see this published! Congrats on your final piece 🎉

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...great article...personal acceptance is a still a daily practice for me...hour to hour...minute to minute i never know which version of myself might be at odds with some other version of myself from somewhere i don't even remember going...but a few weeks back had a look in the mirror and thought...it could be worse...lol...i love the idea you put in here "embracing my imperfections both internal and external"...makes me feel there is no truer truth than that old great popeye saying "i yam what i yam"...and so "it yis what it yis"...

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