Good for you for being brave enough to share your ideas with others. And it sounds like you discovered that it was a safe and encouraging place!

I love your idea to let others merge at junctions. A small courtesy with a bigger impact. What a great choice! To paraphrase a quote from Mother Teresa.... you can't change the world alone, but you can cast a stone that creates ripples of change. You did that!

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Love your writing sis. Keep at it. Xxx

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I've heard of the pay it forward in the drive-thru coffee line. Your idea can be repeated so many times a day. Like "flashing" a smile.

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Oh I love that, flashing a smile <3

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And we both love sci fi! ❤️

Small acts feel so good!

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Great post Sarah. I love the letting out a junction idea.

We can apply this to so many things such as buying someone a coffee is a really great one too.

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